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BlizzCon moving to Vegas in July?

LVCC thinks so, Blizzard not so sure.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

BlizzCon could be moving from Los Angeles to Las Vegas next year, if the Las Vegas Convention Centre is to be believed.

The venue lists BlizzCon 2010 for the 30th and 31st July, and says it will have 30,000 attendees - 10,000 more than last year.

However, when contacted Blizzard for comment, the company initially said that it hadn't announced any details and advised against making travel plans.

Later, a spokesman went further: "As we haven't announced any details about the next BlizzCon, we can say it won't be held in Las Vegas." Which is rather odd wording.

For its part, the LVCC says it has confirmed the booking.

If true, it would be the first time BlizzCon has moved from the Anaheim Convention Centre in California, south of Los Angeles, where it's been since Blizzard started throwing its parties in 2005. Some things don't change, though. The 30th and 31st are a Friday and Saturday, true to form.

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