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Battlefield 5 teases Pacific theatre and loads of new maps

Tropic like it's hot.

It was only last week Battlefield 5 unveiled its beautiful Mercury map - and while some players raised concerns about the slow rate of multiplayer map releases, it seems they need not have worried, as DICE has just shown off four. On top of that, we've also been given a brief glimpse of the Pacific theatre of war for the first time. Pack your bags, we're going globetrotting.

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We already knew from DICE's live service roadmap (Tides of War) that new maps were due to arrive during Chapter 4: Defying the Odds, and the trailer gives an extended look at four of them. The first is called Provence, set during the Axis occupation of France, and will provide tight close-quarters carnage. Representing Norway are the Lofoten Islands - which, despite appearing small and quaint, actually host an explosives factory for players to destroy.

In the large-scale maps department, DICE has showed off the Al Sundan map, a vast 64-player location built for "classic multiplayer action" with "big distances, vehicle-based teamplay and battles across all ranges". It's based on the single-player war story Under No Flag and will transport players to the desert in North Africa.

We've already seen a glimpse of the other 64-player map, Marita, via the Tides of War concept art - but the trailer reveals a wonderfully autumnal Greek vineyard in which you can, er, kill each other. Red wine, anyone?

And, last but not least, the end of the trailer teases the Pacific theatre with a Japanese soldier being knocked out by (who I assume is) an American soldier. The Pacific theatre of war has not yet been introduced to Battlefield 5, so this should provide players with some exciting new battles.

Well I guess it couldn't be much more obvious.

So, when's all this arriving in-game? Chapter 4 kicks off on 27th June with the first of the two big 64-player maps, Al Sundan, with Marita to follow in July and the other two maps in August. The current description also promises two new elite skins, more weapons, and Operation Underground: a map inspired by Battlefield 3's Operation Metro, and which will pit players against each other in a variety of urban spaces. That operation's meant to tide players over to Chapter 5 this autumn, which judging by DICE's roadmap is when the Pacific Theatre will be introduced.

While this has certainly given us a huge amount of Battlefield 5 information, it seems EA's not done yet, as there's more to come in the company's livestream presentation at E3 this Saturday - the schedule for which you can find over here.

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