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Battlefield 5's stunning new Mediterranean map arrives this week

Crete-ical hit.

Been busy duking it out in the muddy Nordic trenches of Firestorm mode? Fancy a holiday? DICE has you covered, as Battlefield 5's new Mediterranean map Mercury has finally been unveiled. Unfortunately warfare is still included in this holiday package.

The map comes as part of Chapter 3 of Tides of War, (as outlined by DICE's live service roadmap), and will be downloadable for free on 30th May.

Aside from looking pretty, Mercury is also based on the real-life events of 1941, where the British sought to fend off invading Nazi paratroopers in Operation Mercury (also known as the Battle of Crete). DICE describes Mercury as a medium-large map focused on "verticality, all-out war and asymmetrical vehicle forces". Appropriately, the Brits will dominate the tank game, while the Germans "control the skies" with more planes than their allied opponents.

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While the trailer makes me want to dip a toe in (just look at that water), some players have expressed disappointment at the lack of new features or modes to change up the gameplay, and others are concerned by the slow rate of map releases.

Meanwhile, Battlefield 5's battle royale mode Firestorm - added back in March - seems to have gone down well with some players (or at least with our own Ian Higton, who has been very much sucked in). Next on the schedule is new mode Outpost, which arrives in June, along with Chapter 4: Defying the Odds, which promises further new maps and modes. At least they're being upfront about the content.

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