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Batman Sinestro Corps skin UK details

Comes with Green Lantern Blu-ray.

The Green Lantern Blu-ray - released in the UK today - contains a Sinestro Corps skin download code for Batman: Arkham City - out on Friday.

A representative for Warner confirmed the download code's inclusion in the UK version of Green Lantern's Blu-ray editions following news of its appearance in the US.

"The skin will give users the ability to fight crime with the help of the yellow power of fear, giving Batman a unique yellow costume in the story campaign and in the challenge maps," Warner said.

Warner also confirmed that the download code is not included in the standard DVD edition of the superhero film - meaning the Sinestro skin is a PlayStation 3 exclusive - for now.

Fans have complained about Warner's bewildering pre-order and retailer-specific Batman skin offers.

Over six are available, tied to various UK shops.

If you pre-order Batman: Arkham City from UK supermarket Tesco you get a code to unlock the Joker's Carnival Challenge Map.

In August developer Rocksteady told Eurogamer the full range of Batman: Arkham City skins will become available to all later on as DLC.

"The offer that we're making out with retailers for gamers is, this is an early access opportunity for you," Rocksteady's marketing manager Dax Ginn said.

"Absolutely down the track [the skins] will be available more broadly."

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