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Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs writer describes disturbing cut content

Now doesn't that make you feel better?

Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs is a pretty gross game, as one would expect of a horror title set in a grand guignol borderline Lovecraftian rendering of 1899 London. But there's one scene so disgusting that its developer, The Chinese Room, chose to nix it.

But this nightmare fuel painting was deemed okay. (Image via Kotaku.)

Writer Dan Pinchbeck explained in an interview with Kill Screen that there was once a scene that revolved around a half-pig/half-man creature f****** a corpse. I see nothing wrong with this and it strikes me as a powerful, horrific portrayal of desperation and sexual frustration, but the problem was the scene didn't look like a mutant pig screwing a cadaver; it looked like a pig-man raping a live human.

"The problem was it just looked like the pig was raping someone," lamented Pichbeck. "It started off f****** a female body, and actually it just looked like rape. So we switched it out for a male body, and it looked like gay rape. No better. We were trying to make a point of how animalistic the pigs were. But it didn't add enough to justify the schlock."

Pinchbeck's wife, Jessica Curry - composer and sound designer on A Machine for Pigs - added, "We were lying in bed together and Dan tapped me on the shoulder and woke me up and went, 'Pigs f****** human corpse.' I thought, 'Who the f*** have I married!'"

Upon being asked where to draw the line, Pinchbeck replied, "You've got to push it too far to find out where that line is. If you tiptoe cautiously up, you'll always fall short. That's how you find something with a real edge."

In this case, a pig-monster shagging a living, breathing person would have been even more disturbing, but simple shock value was never the point of the game and it doesn't seem as if Pinchbeck wanted to offend just for the sake of being offensive.

What do you make of this, dear reader? Would A Machine for Pigs' cut content have added to the unnerving tone, or only served as a potentially troubling over-the-top distraction?

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