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£60 Zelda: Breath of the Wild for Nintendo Switch now £50 on Amazon UK

Or £48 if you're Prime.

Amazon UK has cut the price of Zelda: Breath of the Wild for Nintendo Switch.

The game's eye-watering £60 price tag has been reduced by a tenner - or by £12 if you have Amazon Prime.

Amazon's move to £49.99 for Zelda matches UK retailer Argos, which introduced its own offer of £49.99 yesterday.

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is listed for £50, while mini-game compilation 1-2 Switch is still £40.

Argos has knocked a fiver off these, however - making Mario Kart 8 Deluxe £44.99 and 1-2 Switch the slightly more palatable £34.99.

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Breath of the Wild will launch on 3rd March alongside Nintendo Switch - and on the same date for Wii U (where it costs £40). Differences between the two editions are minimal, although the Switch version runs at a higher resolution.

Nintendo was criticised for its Switch pricing following last week's Direct reveal, with most saying the new products are too expensive. The Switch itself is £279.99. Expect to fork out around £75 for a second set of Joy-Cons. The Pro controller isn't cheap, either.

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