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Watch: What you actually do in Media Molecule's new game Dreams

We're calling it an adventure puzzle creator.

At last we know more about the kinds of things we'll be doing in Media Molecule's enigmatic new PS4 game Dreams. Studio co-founders Alex Evans and Mark Healy took to Sony's Paris Games Week presentation stage for a demonstration.

Dreams is a beautiful adventure game based around puzzling your way through, and manipulating, dreams. You interact and manipulate the world via an imp blob thing, which you move around with the DualShock 4 light bar, and which you can change the facial expressions of by sliding your thumb around the controller's touchpad. Your imp also possesses characters or vehicles or inanimate objects, putting you in direct control.

The demo moved through a forested area, where we could do things like plonk down a load of trees as well as a wooden hut with a light shining out. Go through the door of that hut and you walk through a gateway into another dream, this time a library area with a puzzle that involves possessing a giant mouse librarian. It showed a kind of directed or scripted puzzling experience we can presumably expect from a core Dreams experience before we start making things for ourselves.

Co-operative dream-manipulation was shown towards the end in a cake or baked dessert-themed area which, as with the rest of the demo, looked delicious.

At the end of the demo we saw all kinds of game experiences possible in the Dreams creator, such as racing games, shooting games, rockets flying and so on. Think LittleBigPlanet and all the versatility that editors in those games have offered and you're thinking along the right lines.

A beta of Dreams is due 2016.

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