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Watch this Grand Theft Auto 5 PS3-to-PS4 comparison video

You've had some work done.

Grand Theft Auto 5 sure looks pretty on next-gen (or have we decided to call it current gen?) hardware, and Rockstar has just released a video to demonstrate just how much prettier it is side-by-side next to its last-gen counterpart - at least on Sony platforms.

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As you can see, the PS4 version not only makes everything slicker and glossier, but it also adds in loads of new details like deer and flowers, making the already lavish landscapes even more believable.

Rockstar noted that this enhanced edition will more than double the game's draw distance and replace every texture, among other aesthetic additions.

As was revealed yesterday, the PS4 and Xbox One versions of Rockstar's latest will run at 1080p resolution at 30fps. The PC port will be 4K compatible and all these upcoming versions will feature an optional first-person mode.

The PS4 and Xbox One editions of GTA5 will be out on 18th November, while its PC port is due to launch on 27th January.

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