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Watch: Mafia 3 gameplay shows a 1960s open world that feels fresh

Plus more from Outside Xbox.

Welcome to your weekend round-up of Outside Xbox videos. This time we begin with new gameplay footage from mob-'em-up Mafia 3.

If you're familiar with the Mafia series, you might be wondering why the lead character isn't wearing a snappy suit and fedora. That's because these aren't the romanticised adventures of the Italian mob. Mafia 3 is about a man called Lincoln Clay, out to disassemble the Mafia and replace it with a motley bunch of criminals. And that's not the only reason the game's fictionalised New Orleans feels fresh.

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Loading screens were the other thing on our minds this week. In 1995, publisher Namco gave the world not only Time Crisis and Tekken 2, but also a patent for a system that ran minigames in the loading screens of other games, which kept other games from doing that for over two decades.

Consider the ways these games tried to keep you entertained during load times with things that weren't Galaxian.

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Lastly from the Outside Xbox highlights reel, a selection of indie games coming to Xbox One that have our full attention.

Take Manual Samuel from developer Perfectly ParaNormal, for example. Manual Samuel puts you in control of Samuel, a rich dude who is hit by a truck and strikes a deal with Death: if he can survive 24 hours with fully manual control of all of his bodily functions, he can carry on living.

This is much trickier than the automated and unconscious bodily functions we take for granted, it turns out. You must take each individual step for Sam, keep his spine straight, remember to breathe, and blink at regular intervals if you don't want your vision to white out entirely. See us struggling with Sam in the video below.

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