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Watch: Johnny cooks spicy simmered fruit from Breath of the Wild

A Link to repast.

Breath of the Wild is so close I can almost taste it. Actually, scrub that, I can taste it - turns out the next chapter in the Legend of Zelda franchise is pretty big on cooking, so I did the only logical thing and whipped up a dish from the game.

Spicy simmered fruit is an item that provides cold resistance and can be whipped up over a campfire - it sounds simple enough, but I wasn't actually sure of the best way to go about it. Unable to choose between two possible approaches, I decided to make both and see how they turned out. One of the recipes, I must warn you, was a little strange. You can see how I got on in the video below, then find the recipe I preferred below that.

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Spicy simmered fruit


One apple

A handful of white grapes

A handful of strawberries

A handful of frozen summer berries

500ml apple juice

4 rocket chillies, dried


Cut up the apple, grapes, chillies and strawberries and throw into a pan along with the other ingredients. Bring slowly to the boil then simmer slowly until the fruit has softened and the flavours have combined. Serve immediately.

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