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Watch: Johnny cooks meat and mushroom skewers from Breath of the Wild

Majora's morsel.

In last week's episode of our ongoing cooking show Chiodini's Kitchen, I cooked some spicy simmered fruit from Breath of the Wild. Ordinarily that would mean it was time to find a new game and a new recipe to feature for next week but somehow, when it came to Breath of the Wild, I wasn't ready to let go yet.

There's something really special about the cooking in the latest Legend of Zelda. It's not just that it's front and centre, providing Link's main source of health regeneration - cooking feels like an exciting event. Cooking feels special.

For that reason I simply couldn't resist tackling another Breath of the Wild recipe, so I went with meat and mushroom skewers. You can see how I got on in the video below and, should you fancy trying it for yourself, the recipe is below that.

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Meat and mushroom skewers


400g beef steak

400g mushrooms

1 heaped tablespoon of smoked paprika

1 heaped tablespoon of ground cumin



1 heaped tablespoon of brown sugar

1/2 tablespoon of cayenne pepper


Combine all the dry ingredients in a bowl and mix thoroughly.

Cut the steak into smallish chunks, then add to the dry ingredients and mix until thoroughly coated. Leave in the fridge for a few hours, preferably overnight.

Push the meat and mushrooms onto kebab skewers, alternating between one and the other. Grill under a high heat, checking frequently, until the meat is cooked and starting to crisp on the outside.

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