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Watch Dogs 2 gets four-player party mode next week

San Francisco-op.

The next free update for Watch Dogs 2 introduces a four-player party mode, allowing players to free roam San Francisco with three friends.

Available from 4th July, the new feature lets players take part in all online activities as a four-player party including Man vs Machine and Online Racing. This mode was one of the most requested by the community, Ubisoft said in the video below. However, you won't be able to take part in the game's two-player co-op missions while roaming in four-player party mode.

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Alongside the new co-op mode, the update includes a patch to fix bugs and general improvements.

Watch Dogs 2 has had several free major updates since its launch last year. What the game calls its "biggest free online update" was initially part of the paid No Compromise DLC. However poor sales could have played a part in Ubisoft's decision to make it free - Watch Dogs 2 launch sales were nowhere near that of its predecessor.

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