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Video: What's new in GTA 5 next gen?

Plus more from Outside Xbox.

Hi Eurogamers, excellent costumes. Sorry, we don't have any confectionary in the house, so we're going to give you videos. Halloween was yesterday, yes, but now it's Halloweekend, that magical time of the year when the nation's graveyards come alive to the sound of vampires and mummies doing the Monster Mash.

In celebration, this week's Show of the Week is a spooky special. We've got tips for the perfect Halloween costume and the next-gen revival of a horror classic on Xbox One in the shape of Resident Evil HD Remastered.

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Of course, the start of November also means the next gen version of Grand Theft Auto 5 is nearly here, but I know what you're thinking: "I already own GTA 5. Everyone in the world already owns GTA 5. I think it's the law? Why would I buy it again." Good question! Here are five new things the makers of GTA 5 think will convince you to give them the other half of all the world's money.

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GTA 5's Los Santos is nowhere near the top of our list of videogame cities we'd like to live in, what with all the random drive-bys and helicopter crashes and unfunny advertising billboards. In fact, there are several videogame sci-fi dystopias we'd rather call home. These six would at least scrape a couple of stars on TripAdvisor.

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For more, visit us at or subscribe to ourYouTube channel to get videos like these delivered to you fresh every day. See you next week.

If that's not enough "new" for you, shake things up with our guide to all the Xbox One GTA 5 cheats.

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