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Video: Let's Play the Wasteland 2 beta

Bertie sees the Ranger treats on offer.

Wasteland 2 is in the hands of the public! At the moment those hands belong to people who backed the game on Kickstarter, but later today they'll belong to anyone who wants to pay for Steam Early Access.

I managed to sneak my way into the beta yesterday and capture my first forays into the post-apocalyptic world that Brian Fargo's inXile has built. Remember that this is a beta and there are plenty of caveats that come with that, but it's a broader audience that will now help inXile shape the game for final release.

But is it any good? Is this the nostalgic masterpiece that paved the way for so many others on Kickstarter last year? The early signs are extremely positive.

How it fares after hours and hours of play is something another writer is exploring for us as you read this. Expect a beta review at the start of next week.

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