Titanfall beta data mined, new maps discovered
Plus perks, modes, even SplitScreen.
The names of new Titanfall maps, modes and more have been found in the beta game data.
There are the names and title images of 13 maps, and one is called Smuggler's Cove, discovered NeoGAF poster RazorUK (data added to by no1dead on Reddit).
Here they are one by one (NeoGAF has gone a step further and matched existing game screenshots to the new map-names):

Team Deathmatch mode was spotted as well, and so were Campaign Multiplayer and Variety Mode - a mix of the all the modes. The modes available in the beta are Attrition, Hardpoint Domination and Last Titan Standing.
There was even evidence of vertical SplitScreen for those playing on widescreen TVs.
- AT - Attrition?
- TDM - Team Deathmatch?
- CTF - Capture the Flag?
- LTS - Last Titan Standing?
- HP- Hardpoint Capture?
- VM - Variety Mode (a mix of all the other modes listed, sans campaign)
- Campaign Multiplayer
Pilot/Titan Perks
- auto_eject - Auto Eject
- build_up_nuclear_core - Nuclear Ejection
- dash_recharge
- dead_mans_trigger
- defensive_core
- doomed_time - Survivor
- enhanced_titan_ai
- fast_reload - Fast Autoloader
- hyper_core
- icepick
- longer_bubble - Dome Shield Battery
- marathon_core
- minimap_ai - Minion Detector
- ordnance_pack - Explosive Pack
- power_cell - Power Cell
- run_and_gun
- shield_regen - Regen Booster
- stealth_movement
- titan_punch
- turbo_drop - Warpfall Transmitter
- wall_runner - Enhanced Parkour kit
Pilot/Titan Ordinances
- arc_grenade
- bubble_shield
- cloak
- cluster_rocket
- frag_grenade
- heal
- homing_rockets
- proximity_mine
- satchel charge
- salvo_rockets
- shoulder_rockets
- smoke
- sonar
- vortex
Pilot/Titan Weapons
- p2011
- p2011sp
- p2011_auto
- w1128
- r97
- b3wing
- rspn101_carbine
- m1a1_hemlok
- lmg_hemlok
- g2a4
- car101
- rspn101
- at_rifle
- rspn101_dmr
- satchel_charge
- data_knife
- titan_vortex_blocker
- xotbr16
- thr_40mm
- caber_shot
- proximity_detonator
- frag_grenade
- defender_charge
- shoulder_rocket
- sentry_turret
- auto_rocket_launcher
- titan_triple_threat
- titan_rocket_pod
- titan_arc_rifle
- titan_sniper_rifle
- titan_shotgun
- angel city (Map Set One)
- fracture (Map Set Two)
- colony
- relic
- airbase
- boneyard
- corporate
- outpost 207
- lagoon
- rise
- smugglers cove
- overlook
- nexus
- o2
- training grounds