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The new $350 Pip-Boy looks a lot better than last year's one

Arm yourself.

Remember the Pip-Boy from the Fallout 4: Pip-Boy edition of the game? Bethesda just announced a better - and more expensive - Pip-Boy due out later in 2016.


Unlike last year's Pip-Boy, The Pip-Boy: Deluxe Bluetooth Edition, which costs $350, comes with an integrated screen and its own on-board software and hardware. It pairs with your Bluetooth phone or tablet to give you access to your phone's ability to take and place calls (from Preston Garvey, about another settlement of course), as well as contacts, texts and audio files. So yes, you can take calls on your Pip-Boy and listen to music through it.

The Pip-Boy can also be used as an alarm clock. The top compartment stores a holotape that's a USB drive. It comes with with a RobCo Industries stand that doubles as a charging base and speaker. And, according to ThinkGeek, which created the Pip-Boy under license from Bethesda, most of the knobs, dials and buttons actually work.

The Pip-Boy: Deluxe Bluetooth Edition is due out in November. The only problem is ThinkGeek isn't shipping the thing outside North America and Canada. Video is below.

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