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Thief 4 has online, runs on Unreal Engine 3?

Developer CVs pillaged for clues.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Eidos Montreal's firmly-under-wraps Thief 4 will feature online capabilities and run on Unreal Engine 3, according to freshly uncovered developer resumes.

CVs of Thief 4 workers uncovered on networking service LinkedIn were posted on NeoGAF, and duly dissected.

One resume belonged to Colas Fievet, an online programmer for the game. His duties from August 2009, to December 2010, included "networking, gameplay, debugging", plus "online and offline tools on Thief 4".

Thief 4 would be the first in the series to feature any kind of online play, oh em gee.

Multiple CVs referenced Thief 4 running on Unreal Engine 3, despite Eidos Montreal having favoured the Tomb Raider engine for Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

Nevertheless, Thief: Deadly Shadows ran on Unreal Engine 2.

Other information gleaned included mention of "shops, escape gates, public zones", and that the game will include a "hub".

There's a question mark over the information's relevance, however, as some CVs belong to artists who have long since left the project.

Edios Montreal originally announced Thief 4 back in 2009, and cautioned that a release was still a long way off.

"We're in the early development stages for Thief 4, but this is an incredibly ambitious project and a very exciting one," Eidos general manager Stephane D'Astous said. "It's too early for us to offer any specific game details."

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