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The Outer Worlds is making its text bigger, again

2020 vision.

When The Outer Worlds first launched, it came with a problem that seems to be ever-more-frequent in modern games: absolutely tiny text. Not only did this mean everyone had to sit an inch away from their screens, but it wasn't accessible for those with visual impairments - and many critics and community members raised it as an issue.

Mercifully, a bigger text mode was introduced via a patch in November last year, and now a more permanent solution is about to arrive.

As shared by user interface programmer Nate McDorman, Obsidian will soon introduce a way for players to scale the font to whatever size they please. Seems like it includes an extra large option that's easy on the eyes.

The text scaling arrives on all platforms in patch 1.3, due later this week, which also introduces limited ultrawide support and UI improvements such as multi-quest map tracking. As for the feature's arrival on Switch, text scaling will likely come as a day-one patch for physical cartridges. Although, thanks to a delay caused by the coronavirus, we still don't know exactly when that will be.

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