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The Division trailer outlines its skill system in under three minutes

Short division.

Curious about The Division, but still trying to sort out exactly what it is? Well here's Ubisoft to break down the basic components of its skill system in just over two-and-a-half minutes.

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Players must choose between 12 skills, split between three categories: Medical, Technical and Security.

Examples include the Medical skill Pulse, which highlights enemies through walls and obstacle. Technical skill Sticky Bomb is self explanatory, and Security skill Ballistic Shield offers portable cover of sorts.

Furthermore, each skill can be augmented with four mods. For example, Pulse can be upgraded with a Tactical Scan that weakens enemies' defense, the Sticky Bomb can be transformed into a non-lethal flashbang for brach-and-clear tactics, and Reactive Targeting is a Ballistic Shield mod that marks the location of any enemy who opens fire at you.

So that's the basics. For a deeper dive on The Division, you can read Tom Phillips' early impressions or watch 88 minutes of Aoife and Johnny tackling the beta below.

Tom Clancy's The Division will launch 8th March on PS4, Xbox One and PC.

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