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The beautiful bugs of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare beta


As the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare beta soldiers on, so do the bug reports from its army of players.

Many of the issues with Modern Warfare are important to the integrity of the game, as you'd expect. Clipping, for example, is one (the last thing you want is players hiding in the wheels of vehicles). Shotguns don't seem to work properly, either. And the spawns need some work.

But some of the reported bugs are a lot of fun - and one in particular makes Modern Warfare look like Cyberpunk.

Here's a fun one: if you sprint near a door you can sometimes open it - even if you're not actually touching the door or even springing away from the door. It's the Force push bug, if you will. (By the way, Infinity Ward has said this is being worked on for launch.)

Sprinting near doors causes them to open - no matter the direction from r/modernwarfare

Speaking of doors, the following bug involves a door opening with such force, it blows a soldier across the room. (I love this clip because you can see the confusion running across the minds of both players present.)

You Shall Not Pass! from r/modernwarfare

I've seen multiple players report the following bug: it makes your soldier appear as if they've teleported into the game from the Nintendo 64.

you VS the guy she tells you not to worry about from r/modernwarfare

This next one's a bit nightmarish.

Finally, a game that represents the long finger minority! from r/modernwarfare

Speaking of nightmares, kill this one. Kill it with fire.

The new Venom cosmetic skin looks good. from r/modernwarfare

And finally, my favourite: this bug, experienced by it seems multiple players, turns Call of Duty: Modern Warfare into a neon-drenched Cyberpunk setting. It's super cool, and makes me wonder what a Cyberpunk-set Call of Duty game might look like.

I don't think the game is supposed to look like this from r/modernwarfare
My game loaded in looking like a funky acid trip.. from r/modernwarfare
Call of Duty LSD DLC pack from r/modernwarfare

Now, reporting bugs is what betas are for, of course, and it's good to see players report these bugs with a laugh rather than with a pitchfork. The launch of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is a month away, so with any luck the developers at Infinity Ward will be able to sort this stuff out before release.

Well, not the Cyberpunk graphics. They can stay.

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