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Syphon Filter PS3 on the way?

Internet says so, Sony remains quiet.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Sony is declining to comment on rumours that a new Syphon Filter game is in development for PS3.

As reported by Kotaku, the rumours emerged after someone spotted something interesting on the website for PCB Productions.

PCB is a digital content studio based in LA, in case you'd forgotten. Hiding in there amongst the long list of the company's credits is one for "Syphon Filter 5 - PlayStation 3 - Sony Bend". Apparently PCB worked on "facial mo-cap" for the game.

Adding fuel to the fire is the fact that Sony Bend, which produced the earlier Syphon Filter games, is advertising for a new tools programmer on Gamasutra. Surely that could be for any old game, though?

Either way, Sony's got nothing to say. "We do not comment on rumour or speculation," a spokesperson told us, again.

Oh well. If you're a fan why not relive Syphon Filter's glory days, and the boring days, by checking out ye olde reviewes.

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