Starfield: The Old Neighborhood walkthrough
Docking with your first space station and joining Constellation.
The main quest The Old Neighborhood in Starfield starts after completing the previous quest One Small Step.
Speak to Sarah Morgan in the box where the last mission ended. We learn about the UC-Vanguard, a group of volunteers, and a tip from that direction. Our next objective is to speak to Sarah's contact, John Tuala, at the Vanguard Recruiting Office here on New Atlantis. Sarah joins us as the first companion.
Talk to Sarah's contact
Leave the Lodge together and head southwest, always in the direction of the marker. It is best to follow this path:

You only have to walk a few meters before you have reached the MAST office. In the lobby on the left you will meet the person you're looking for, John Tuala.
He greets you warmly and offers a membership in the Vanguard without hesitation. You can accept the offer directly and start the faction quest 'Supra et Ultra'.

Then talk to him about the Constellation matter and he'll send you on to a contact named Moara who is in the Sol system. We're supposed to be on the lookout for him in Cydonia.
Ask for Moara in Cydonia
After this brief run, you can open the scanner and fast travel back to the Frontier. Upon entering the ship, an activity should start and encourage you to check the inventory. All you can do for now is click on the cargo hold.

Then, get behind the controls, take off and open the mission journal while in orbit to chart a course and jump directly to the desired point.
For this, the item GRV in the ship system menu at the bottom left must have at least one bar, otherwise the grav jump will not work. Finally, you can use the star map to head for Cydonia on Mars and land there.

Once on the red planet, follow the marker to a tunnel that connects to the Central Hub of Cydonia.
After the lock we reach the entrance to the Broken Spear Bar, where there should be more information about Moara. If you listen to the three people in front of the entrance long enough, the 'Talk to Trevor' activity will start.

Ask the bartender Jack about the missing Vanguard. He's only willing to provide more information if we pay off Moara's debt. You can either:
- Put the 2500 credits on the table.
- Convince Jack that the debt doesn't need to be paid.
- Let Sarah take the floor and reduce the price to 1000 credits.

Either way, we learn that Moara babbled on about the Goddess of Love when he last visited. That points to the planet Venus, which already has our next destination in the bag.
Go to Venus
Return to the Frontier and take off. You can easily set a course for Venus via the mission menu. Upon arriving in orbit, Sarah points out the ships of some Va'ruun fanatics.
A satellite beacon on the right side is particularly interesting. This could contain valuable information on the whereabouts of our wanted person. We can now resolve the situation by force or in a more subtle way.

Optional: Don't get detected and examine the satellite
Set a course for the satellite beacon and approach to within 500 meters. To do this, it's best to disable all ship systems except for propulsion (at least that's what the game is telling you to do at this point).
Other systems like weapons or shields could reveal your position to the fanatics and provoke a fight. In the best case, shut it down completely and only leave a bar or two on the drive.

Once you're close enough to the satellite, press A, then X. You'll intercept a radio message from Moara and learn that the Nova Galactic Star Yard near Earth's moon was his final destination.
Go to the Nova Galactic Star Shipyard
Again you can set a course directly via the mission menu and end up in front of the star shipyard. Talk to Sarah and get close enough to the shipyard.

Note the white, rhombus-shaped mission marker. Once you're close enough, you can use the X button to dock your ship. The docking process is automatic and after a short loading screen you end up in the middle of the shipyard.
Find clues about Moara
There are some corpses in the station that mostly give us credits, so keep your eyes peeled. Of course, the dead Spacers are just the harbinger of more enemies inside the facility.

Fight your way through the corridors, always following the markings and, if necessary, search the side rooms so as not to miss any loot. Due to the open structure of the shipyard, you can take different paths.
You eventually end up in this hangar pointed to by the quest marker:

Only dare to go in very carefully and target the opponents in it from the corridor. There are quite a few and in an open space you would quickly be minced meat.
Lure them towards you one at a time and take them out. The marking points to this point in the middle of the hangar:

There you will find a note from Moara stating his new whereabouts: Neptune. You get around a lot in the first few hours, don't you?
Go to Neptune
Exit the Star Dockyard, return to the ship, take off, and set course for Neptune in the mission menu. Upon arrival, we see Moara's ship starting to attack.

It was hijacked by mercenaries and we can't destroy it or that's it with the artifact. Keep firing at the ship until its engines fail. Then fly to it and dock at the defenseless ship.
Eliminate the enemies on Moara's ship
Upon docking and entering, the Ecliptic Mercenaries inside will rush you. Take them out if you can, and grab Moara's Ship Key from the marked corpse.

This unlocks the cabin and saves Moara. Finally. Talk to the guy and he'll give you the found Artifact Beta.
Return to the Lodge
You know the way back to the ship and back to the Lodge in New Atlantis. Place the new artifact on the table as intended and wait for the dialogue.

Sarah hands you some gear and officially welcomes you to the Constellation. Along with 8000 credits you get three more main quests:
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