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SSX release window announced

You won't be playing it this year.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

SSX, the next entry in EA's long-running snowboarding franchise, is aiming for a January 2012 release.

Creative director Todd Batty broke the news to Joystiq during a showcase in San Francisco yesterday.

Due on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, it's the first game in the series since middling 2007 Wii outing SSX: Blur.

"Survival gameplay" that sees you outrunning avalanches, rockslides and falling stalactites will feature prominently, alongside more traditional SSX fare.

"I've always thought racing was the core of SSX," Batty explained in a recent interview, "and we didn't want to go away from that, so we're going to have Speed Descent events and of course we'll have tricks in our Tricky Descent events."

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