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Sony PSP2: NGP event roundup

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Sony's PlayStation Meeting took place on Wednesday in Tokyo to finally reveal the PSP's new incarnation, for now code-named the NGP (Next Generation Portable).

It's powerful. Boy is it powerful - this puppy was demonstrated rendering games as capably as a PS3.

Plus it's got a massive screen, a left stick and a right stick, a touch-screen, two cameras and a rear touch-pad. Eurogamer later learned that the battery life will be around four to five hours, and we correlated all the known specs of the NGP in the same story.

No console will succeed without games, however, and Sony has those too: big first-party blockbusters Uncharted (demonstrated on stage), Resistance, Killzone and WipEout, as well as huge third-party support from Call of Duty, Monster Hunter, the Dynasty Warriors team and none other than Hideo Kojima, who's expecting big things.

Even engine supremos Epic Games took part, declaring the NGP to be four times more powerful than any portable out there.

It was an action-packed reveal, then, but one lacking two very important pieces of information: date and price. Whether that can stay under wraps until this summer's E3 - if that's the plan - remains to be seen.

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