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Kojima shows Metal Gear Solid 4 on NGP

"We can enjoy same quality as PS3."

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Legendary game developer Hideo Kojima marched onto the Sony stage this morning to show a jaw-dropping demonstration of Metal Gear Solid 4 running on the PSP2 - known now as the NGP (Next Generation Portable).

It's a taster for the concept that he's working on right now for NGP. "There are no announcements of a new title today," Kojima said, "but I'd like to talk about future perspective."

That future perspective what a cut-scene from MGS4 exported directly to NGP.

"Holy cow," blurted Oli Welsh, Eurogamer's eye witness at the Tokyo PlayStation Meeting. "Some environmental detail lost, but the characters (Snake and Otacon's mini Metal Gear) look incredible," he said.

Bravely, Kojima went on to promse that, "On NGP, we can enjoy the same quality as PS3."

He said that when he launched Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker on PSP he dreamed of a cloud computing future, and that game was an experiment for it. "NGP allows this cloud computing," he said, cryptically.

"What I'd like to realise is playing on your PS3, and when you go out, you put the game on your NGP, and when you come back home, you can once again use your PS3 and large screen TV," said Kojima.

"This dream is going to come true in the near future. And right now, I'm working on this project of the dream. I'm sorry, I can't reveal this now. But we'd like to present what we're doing at E3."

This is Metal Gear Solid 4 on PS3. Can it really be replicated like-for-like on NGP?

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