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Shenmue 3 gets new screenshots, looks good

PC pre-orders now open too.

Shenmue 3 continues to be a real actual thing that may even come out at some point soon, with updating Kickstarter backers this morning with new screenshots of the work in progress on the game.

The screenshots come alongside an announcement that pre-orders for the PC version of Shenmue 3 are now live, with proceeds from those orders going towards the game's stretch goals. Shenmue 3 has already raked in some $6 million, with the next stretch goal pledging to expand the battle system.

Work continues apace on Shenmue 3 as the team moves towards full production. Will it make it for its targeted release of next December? I'm not 100 per cent sure, but Yu Suzuki has assured fans he's doing his best. "I have been absorbed in developing the game and I stay in the studio all night time to time," he said in the update for backers. "My life is all about Shenmue day and night."-Yu Suzuki."

Why do people care so much about Shenmue? I've tried to explore that in the past with my own take on what made the original so special, but really it's all about getting to play another game from the legend that is Yu Suzuki.

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