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Samsung planning giveaways, celeb appearances and other stuff at EG Expo

Pollyanna Woodward launching UK WCG qualifier, EA bringing a car, win a Galaxy Note.

Samsung has sent over word about some more of the things it's planning to do at our lovely Eurogamer Expo between Thursday and Sunday.

As you may remember, Samsung's stand will host the final qualifiers for the World Cyber Games, allowing you to pitch up and take people on in FIFA 12 to try winning a trip to the finals in China later this year. I wouldn't bother entering though - I'll crush you.

Apparently Gadget Show presenter Pollyanna Woodward will be on hand to launch the UK WCG qualifiers for FIFA 12. She's also sticking around for autographs and pictures. There's no word yet on whether she will challenge me (undisputed office FIFA champion, whatever Bertie says) to a showdown, but that's probably because I haven't asked about it and she won't.

And if you like the idea of standing next to things as well as people while being photographed, apparently EA is bringing a branded Need for Speed Aston Martin car to the Samsung stand, which is also available for pictures (although presumably not autographs).

There will also be giveaways - you can win a Galaxy Note 10.1 by drawing a picture using one - and there will be lots of Samsung kit around for you to play with as well. Don't draw on any of that though - we'll never hear the end of it.

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