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Saints Row delayed six months to August 2022

No changes to story or characters.

Saints Row has been delayed six months to August 2022.

It was due out 25th February 2022. Now it launches on 23rd August 2022.

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Explaining the decision in a blog post, Volition chief creative officer Jim Boone said the development team needs more time "to do our vision justice".

"We're doing some fine tuning and there won't be much change in the game outside of overall quality and polish," Boone added.

Boone said Volition "underestimated" the impact the pandemic would have on Saints Row's development schedule, despite the team adapting quickly to working from home.

"However, due to the size and scope of our new Saints Row, it's become apparent that to create the best game possible, we need to give our team longer to perfect their craft," Boone continued.

"As mentioned when we announced Saints Row in August, this will be the biggest and best Saints Row game ever and, in order to achieve our goal, we've settled upon a generous, yet essential amount of time to realise our ambitions.

"Rest assured, there will not be any changes to the story or the characters or anything that we've lovingly imagined over the last few years and already shared with you.

"Over the past two years, all corners of the entertainment industry have been affected/impacted in one way or another. As gamers ourselves, we know what it feels like to have something delayed which you've been looking forward to; it's frustrating and you feel disappointed. But we also know that when we finally get Saints Row in your hands, it will have been worth the wait. It's our absolute priority to get this right."

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As Martin wrote in his Saints Row preview published in August, the new Saints Row dials back the excesses of Saints Row 4.

"Following a succession over-the-top adventures that folded in alien invasions and superpowers with Saints Row 4 and its subsequent follow-ups, Volition is bringing its open world crime series back to its roots with the next year's Saints Row - a reboot that reintroduces a more grounded contemporary fictional setting while still looking to hold onto the humour and possibilities that Saints Row has become beloved for," Martin said.

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