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Respawn's Titanfall confirmed for PC, Xbox 360 and Xbox One

UPDATE: Due out spring 2014, 360 version outsourced.

Respawn's "entirely multiplayer" action game Titanfall will be released in spring 2014 on PC, Xbox 360 and Xbox One.

Respawn is only assisting with the Xbox 360 version of the game, with the bulk of development handed to an "external studio".

A recorded gameplay video provided the big finish at Microsoft's E3 press conference today.

"Set in a distant frontier torn apart by war," reads the press release, "players will have the freedom to switch between fighting as elite assault Pilots or agile, heavily armored, 24-foot tall Titans."

The pace and colour tones of the game were reminiscent of Call of Duty, which isn't surprising given that Respawn was founded by former Infinity Ward bosses Jason West and Vince Zampella.

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