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Resident Evil 0 demake reimagines game on PS1

Of corpse it looks good!

Image credit: El Rincon del Lobezno / YouTube

Capcom has been hitting it out of the park recently with its Resident Evil remakes, but what would it look like if the publisher decided to take its games in the opposite direction?

Well, you don't have to wonder any longer, thanks to a group of modders creating a Resident Evil 0 demake. The game was originally released in 2002 for the GameCube, and looks and plays similar to the HD Resident Evil remaster.

This demake for 0 does the opposite, however, and turns the game into a Resident Evil experience like that of the first three games on PlayStation 1. Footage of the project in action can be seen below, via El Rincon del Lobezno's YouTube channel, who is one of the modders involved in its creation.

Watch Aoife and Ian take on Resident Evil 4 Remake.Watch on YouTube

Intriguingly, this demake is actually a mod for the original Resident Evil 2, rather than 0 (or 2019's Resident Evil 2), and it looks really good. It brings an odd sense of nostalgia to the game, and if you told me this was a genuine Resident Evil game released in 2000 for PS1 I would believe you if I didn't know otherwise.

A quick look at the Resident Evil 0 demake.Watch on YouTube

The mod is still in the works, so only the first part of the game can be played right now. Whilst you wait for more updates on Resident Evil 0 demake, maybe you can tell Capcom they should remake Code Veronica next?

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