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Prizes being given to top 1000 Xbox Star Wars Battlefront 2 beta players

Ooh it's like taking a trip to the Maul.

Did you make the top 1000 leaderboard for the Star Wars Battlefront 2 beta on Xbox One? If you did you have won a prize! It may be a $60 gift card or free Xbox Live membership for one or three months, which isn't much good if you have a yearly recurring subscription but hey ho.

The Star Wars Battlefront 2 beta leaderboard can be viewed online and seems to be dictated by time played, although that may not be the only metric at work.

The person who started a thread on the Star Wars Battlefront subreddit about the promotion placed 66th and received the $60 gift card. That person and their brother combined to play the SWBF2 beta for 75 hours, which demonstrates good sibling use.

Watch on YouTube

Elsewhere, though, someone with 32 hours finished 960th, whereas someone with 36 hours failed to place, so perhaps skill was taken into account...

"My friend is #82 and 75 per cent of his hours were from AFKing on the title screen of the game..." read one comment.

Perhaps not.

This promotion appears to be an Xbox Live offer only.

So, did you place?

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