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PS2 outselling PS3 and PSP

Console and game sales down generally.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Sony has revealed that the PlayStation 2 is its best-selling console, as PS3 and PSP numbers decline to produce a loss for the financial quarter ending 30th June.

The company sold 1.1m PS3 consoles and 1.3m PSP consoles worldwide, compared to 1.6m and 3.7m during the same period last year. Sales of the creaky-boned PS2 console reached 1.6m for the quarter.

Sales for the PlayStation business as a whole were down 37.4 per cent year-on-year "due to lower game and VAIO PC sales", said the company. Specifically, Sony noted a decline in software and PSP hardware sales.

PS3 game sales reached 14.8m for the quarter, down from 22.8m units for the same period last year. Game sales for the PSP dropped too, from 11.8m last year to 8.3m this year.

And although the PS2 recorded decent console sales, software dropped from a beefy 19.3m last year to just 8.5m this year.

The effect of all this caused Sony as a whole to record an operating loss $268m. That's a lot of money, especially when the company turned a profit of nearly three times that number for the same period last year.

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