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PlayerUnknown apologises for Battlegrounds' inappropriate female character model

Fans have got the hump.

Over the weekend, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds fans discovered a surprising change to the game's female character model: suddenly, it had camel toe.

Camel toe, AKA the imprint of female genitalia upon too-tight clothing, had not been there previously. But there it was on PUBG's test server.

You can see the old character model compared to the new one in the comparison below.

Warning: potentially NSFW.

Players reacted with surprise and some anger at the alteration. Many of the responses on reddit and Twitter simply asked "why?". Others demanded PlayerUnknown himself - the game's creator, Brendan Greene - offer an explanation.

Early this morning, Greene replied to the furore, blaming the change on an out-dated character model from an outsourced artist. The model will now be "updated", Greene promised, adding: "Sorry for any offense caused!"

It feels like the end of the matter and so, hopefully, I'll never have to start another Monday morning writing about that.

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