Platinum Games is allegedly making a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles title
Mutants in Manhattan spotted on Australian Ratings Board.
Bayonetta, Vanquish and Revengeance developer Platinum Games is developing a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles title, according to a listing on the Australian Classification Board.

According to the rating, the game is called Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan and Activision will be publishing.
Platinum recently worked with Activision on a couple of other cartoon spin-offs with Transformers: Devastation and the video game adaptation of The Legend of Korra.
Platinum Games sure is busy lately with Nier: Automata coming to PS4, Scalebound set for Xbox One, and Star Fox Zero on course for Wii U.
Eurogamer contributor Simon Parkin wasn't so keen on Platinum's first collaboration with Activision, The Legend of Korra, but he was quite fond of Transformers: Devastation. "This is the best Transformers game since Melbourne House's memorable 2004 game," he said in his Transformers: Devastation review. "Its best tricks may have been pilfered from Platinum's back catalogue, but they're no less appealing in disguise."