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Overkill's The Walking Dead is set in the comic's universe

No Dixon brothers nonsense here.

Last week Payday developer Overkill announced that it would be making a co-op FPS based on Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead series. It's a tantalising prospect, but one that naturally brings to mind lots of questions. Overkill producer Almir Listo took to Reddit to answer a few of these, even if the studio is remaining fairly cagey on this upcoming project.

While Norman Reedus is off doing Silent Hills, Overkill will be working on more of this sort of thing.

Perhaps the most noteworthy confirmation Listo revealed is that the game will be set in the same universe as the comics and Telltale's series, not the TV show ala Terminal Reality's The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct.

"We're working with Robert himself," Listo said when asked about which version of TWD Overkill is basing its series around. "Seeing as he writes the comics, it's only natural that we'll focus on that. Personally, I love the focus on horror in the comics. We'll focus on new characters and new storylines, same universe."

Listo also said that Overkill is approximately 45 developers and some old hats at Starbreeze - its parent company that developed The Darkness, The Chronicles of Riddick, and Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons - will be lending their expertise to Overkill's The Walking Dead.

"It's the same crew that did Payday: The Heist and Payday 2, some old Starbreeze vet's, plus a few more cool people that I've headhunted myself - very excited to share the news about them in the coming months," he explained. "Robert and everyone and Skybound are the perfect partner - this will truly be something different. For the first time we're independently financing and creating the game ourselves. We have full creative control, the money to pay for it, a great IP to play with and the community - you included - to help us give feedback and make it the coolest co-op experience ever."

I'm afraid that's all we're getting for now, while details like platforms and how Overkill's The Walking Dead will distinguish itself from Left 4 Dead or Dead Island have yet to be addressed.

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