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Oculus VR clamps down on eBay Rift re-selling

"If you buy on eBay you are on your own."

Oculus has already taken steps to halt re-selling of the latest version of the Rift virtual reality headset in China. Now it's turning its attention closer to home.

As reported by TechCrunch, Oculus VR is stopping shipments of Oculus to those it believes intend to re-sell on the auction website.

A user on the Oculus VR developer forum highlighted an eBay seller who had listed the Oculus Rift development kit version two for pre-order at £499. It officially costs $350.

Another eBay seller shifted two Rift DK2s at $899 and $799 each. One listed a DK2 for a whopping $5000.

The thread sparked action from Oculus VR, with community manager cybereality posting to say the order had been cancelled.

"We found this guy's order and cancelled it," cybereality wrote. "We don't allow resale of the development kit.

"We also don't provide warranty on second-hand sales, so if you buy on eBay you are on your own."

Oculus VR customer service lead Twistgibber added: "Orders, as in plural. All gone."

Oculus Rift DK2 costs $350 and can be ordered from the Oculus VR website. But to do so, you have to click a button that reads: "I understand this hardware is intended for developers and it is not a consumer product."

Oculus expects new orders to ship in September 2014. There's still no word on a release for the consumer version.

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