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Fatal Fury heads to XBLA

Part of SNK's TGS line-up.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Fatal Fury Special is set to make its way to Xbox Live Arcade and will form part of SNK Playmore's Tokyo Game Show line-up next month.

It's hardly SNK's only game either, with King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match (PS2) and Fatal Fury Battle Archives 2 (PS2) as well as Metal Slug Complete (PSP).

Gamespot speculates that that's the game we know as Metal Slug Anthology, which makes sense to us too.

There's no word on SNK's Wii support (Metal Slug Anthology again), but if anything does show up we'll let you know, since we'll be reporting from Tokyo again this year.

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