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LocoRoco PSP demo

Download and tilt!

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Sony appears to have finally woken up to the idea of downloadable PSP demos - and today's release is for one we've been looking forward to for absolutely ages, LocoRoco.

A trial version of the game, which involves tilting the play area to wobble some blobs around platform-style levels, is available from the game's Japanese site now.

The actual download is only 8MB, but unfortunately you'll first need to download the new 2.7 system firmware to play it.

Once you've done that - and although Sony would discourage you from running the US firmware on a UK PSP, there's actually nothing stopping you - you can download the demo, put your PSP in USB Connection mode while connected to your PC, and by popping the EBOOT.PBP file in a /PSP/GAME/UCJS1O041/ folder on your Memory Stick Duo you should put yourself in a position to join in the fun.

The only thing you might want to bear in mind is that version 2.7 firmware will rule out any chance you had of running homebrew code - at least until someone cracks this one, anyway.

Still, it's a price we're prepared to pay to play LocoRoco, and as soon as our STUPID PC WHICH WILL BE KICKED MERCILESSLY ALL MORNING starts behaving, we're certainly going to give it a go.

LocoRoco is due out over here on 23rd June according to Sony's most recent UK schedule.

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