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EGTV: Haze interview

Free Radical speaks.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Another round of musical publishers has seen Nottingham's finest, Free Radical Design, cosy up to Ubisoft for its latest project, after successful stints with Eidos, EA and Codemasters.

Haze is a brand new IP from the studio, and also its first crack at next-gen development, the futuristic thriller currently pencilled in for an early 2007 release on PS3, Xbox 360 and PC.

As an indie developer Free Rad is best known for its TimeSplitters FPS series; but the developer's senior management also boast CVs that read like a script to the ultimate Nintendo fanboy's wet dream, having cut their teeth on N64 benchmark shooters GoldenEye and Perfect Dark.

Eurogamer TV is currently showing an exclusive interview with creative director and GoldenEye veteran David Doak and irrepressibly enthusiastic scriptwriter Rob Yescombe, where we learn why the team finally decided to make a "proper war game", how AI will set it apart from the competition, and how the storyline will actually deliver on that well-worn cliché of the "movie-like experience".

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