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New Resident Evil 7 trailer poses more questions than it answers

Also, creepy dolls.

A new Resident Evil 7 trailer has been released, this time starring a female character.

The trailer takes the form of a found video tape - something that should be familiar to anyone who played the Beginning Hour demo released at E3 this year - in which a woman attempts to send a final message to a man named Ethan. Rather more pressingly, however, she's being chased around an underground labyrinth by a lantern bearing woman, who was introduced to us previously as Marguerite.

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As you can see yourself from the trailer, the area she's trying to escape from turns out to be beneath the house from the first teaser, suggesting the mystery goes far deeper than previously thought. Quite literally.

We know from the Playstation blog that the young woman is not a playable character, but is she still alive? Does this trailer mean anything new for the infamous dummy finger mystery? We're not sure, but we'll come back to you with answers as soon as we know.

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