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New Battlefield 5 teaser appears to confirm WW2 setting

Ahead of Wednesday's reveal.

EA has released a brand-new Battlefield 5 teaser trailer ahead of the game's full reveal this Wednesday, May 23rd, and it appears to confirm previous rumours that DICE's latest would be WW2 bound.

At first glance, the 19-second teaser, which popped up earlier today on Twitter and YouTube, doesn't seem too revelatory. Screams and gunfire can be heard as the video begins, then a gruff looking gentleman shushes the camera in extreme close-up before all goes black.

Watch on YouTube

Hit play for a second time though, with your attention directed toward the HUD at the top of the screen, and you'll notice two crucial icons - what appear to be slightly stylised representations of the British Union Jack and the German Balkenkreuz - the latter used by the German army, airforce, and navy, from 1935 until the end of World War II.

Our shush-y friend is also wearing a pair of goggles that scream WW2 to me, but then I'm not an expert on protective eyewear through the ages, so it's probably best to stick with the facts.

EA's Battlefield V live reveal is being hosted by The Daily Show's Trevor Noah, and is scheduled to begin on Wednesday May 23rd at 9pm in the UK/1pm PT. At which point, DICE will probably unveil Battlefield: Velociraptor and we'll all feel very silly indeed.

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