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Naughty Dog details Uncharted 2 DLC

Team already working on next project.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Naughty Dog multiplayer designer Justin Richmond has said he will be "working on DLC stuff for the next while", confirming post-launch support for the outstanding PS3 game.

"There will be downloadable content, yes," he told us at Sony's London HQ.

"What you'll probably see is more of the competitive type: more maps, more modes, stuff like that. The co-op stuff is hugely time-intensive and the size of it - the physical download size - is huge, so that's probably not an option.

"I'm not going to say never," he added, "but for the foreseeable future we're not going to be doing that."

Richmond admitted that he is "fascinated" by co-op, and that there is stuff he would "love to do next game" now the code is in place.

"Naughty Dog does a really good job of defining things, and I think no one's really done a definitively amazing amazing co-op experience and I think we can do that, and it's something that at some point we'll tackle," he said. "If I have my say, then that's what we'd do."

Like Naughty Dog's creative boss Amy Hennig, Richmond isn't shy about the prospect of more Uncharted games, although confirmation of a third instalment remained out of reach.

As such, Richmond couldn't talk about discarded ideas for the Uncharted 2 story, as "there's a good chance we might use some of them in the future".

"There are whole parts of Drake that we haven't talked about at all yet. Drake is sort of a nice character in that there's a bunch of stuff about his past that we know but nobody else does," Richmond teased. "You'll see that... But there's a lot more of Drake to show, for sure."

Richmond revealed that programmers are already optimising on the engine, and have been split into groups to work on "whatever we're going to do next".

"Hahaha. I don't know what we'll do next actually," answered Richmond, when asked what that was.

Arne Meyer, community boss, added: "We definitely think of Uncharted as a franchise and we'd love to work on another one. But it's really about what is fresh and what we want to do next."

Look out for our full and exhaustive interview with the pair soon.

Alternatively, head over to our Uncharted 2: Among Thieves review to find out what makes Naughty Dog's creation possibly the best of the 2009.

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is due 16th October exclusively for PS3.

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