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Media Molecule wants to pay small teams to make games for Dreams

Big friendly gamedev.

We've already seen incredible examples of what people can make in Dreams, the new PlayStation 4 game by LittleBigPlanet studio Media Molecule. Someone remade Final Fantasy 7 for goodness sake! Dreams' editor is a very powerful tool. Just imagine what a whole, experienced team could do with it...

Snap! Media Molecule has imagined the same thing and gone one step further, advertising for outsourced, contracted, small-team help to make content for Dreams.

"Content creators: Teams" the MM jobs board reads.

"Some of the exciting opportunities we have require the skills of a small professional development team. Are you a small dev team looking to collaborate on something larger or looking for a small project to help fund your next gig?

"This isn't just normal outsourcing, it is much more about finding teams that want to collaborate with us on content for Dreams. We are a little light on requirements as this is an exploratory call out, but needless to say experience with creating in Dreams is required!"

Applications will open "shortly".

Dreams is in Early Access at the moment, with a launch planned for some point later this year.

When Dreams arrives, it will have a full, Media Molecule-built campaign to play, but at the moment it doesn't. There are, however, smaller Media Molecule-made games there you can play, bolstered by an ever-swelling sea of community-made games. My, what a disgustingly talented lot you are.

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