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Media Molecule reveals surreal sandbox Dreams

Merrily, merrily, merrily...

LittleBigPlanet and Tearaway developer Media Molecule's upcoming PS4 exclusive game Dreams might be this year's No Man's Sky.

It's a game that looks phenomenally gorgeous, though its actual gameplay completely eludes us.

At Sony's E3 2015 press conference Media Molecule's Alex Evans explained that users would be able to create their own objects, places and characters by using the Dualshock 4's motion controls. Whether that's the only way to tinker with your digital trinkets remains unknown.

At any rate, players will be able to share what they create, then adapt others' work for their own means. So if you want to take a ninja character someone else made, then give them a flower sunhat in your make-believe world, you can do that.

Based on what we've seen in Dreams' announcement trailer, it looks like the backgrounds often have a watercolour aesthetic while the characters and options appear like they're made of clay. It looks like the materials can be switched around to your liking, however.

Take a gander at some of the wondrous, lucid worlds Media Molecule has made in the Dream reveal trailer below.

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