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Mafia 3 E3 trailer show us more of the Big Easy in action

Beasts of the southern wild.

2K has revealed some new footage of its open-world gangster game Mafia 3 (via IGN).

Set in New Orleans, we see more of the southern gothic period piece in action. Set in the 1960s, this crime caper follows mobster Lincoln Clay as he fights other, worse mobsters in the Big Easy.

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Mafia 3 is the debut of new studio Hangar 13, the outfit formed by former Star Wars: The Force Unleashed project lead Haden Blackman.

Mafia 3 is due on 7th October for PS4, Xbox One and PC.

Expect to see many more new trailers at this year's press conferences, which you can follow with our E3 schedule guide.

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