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Looks like Dragon Age 4 won't be released for at least another two years

Try to Andraste positive.

According to EA's most recent earnings call, it sounds like BioWare's next installment of Dragon Age won't be released for at least another two years.

During the call, EA's chief financial officer Blake Jorgensen said the game "probably comes after fiscal '22". This means the earliest we might see Dragon Age 4 is April 2022, the start of the following fiscal year.

"We typically don't give multiyear guidance this early in the year," said Jorgensen, in comments transcribed by Seeking Alpha. "I don't want to start giving '23 guidance now that I've started a hint on '22. But you should assume it's out there and plans are underway."

This isn't bad news for Dragon Age fans however, as a long wait hopefully means BioWare is taking its time to get things right.

We also have a rough time scale now for when the game might release, so fingers crossed we'll soon get some more exciting teasers like the one that dropped at The Game Awards last year.

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That wasn't the only big news on EA's earnings call, though - the publisher also revealed there would be no new Battlefield coming out next year. It seems fans of EA's games will have to wait a little longer for the next installments of their favourite series.

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