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It's alive! From Software tweets about Elden Ring and fans are losing it

"We hope you look forward to it."

All it took was an innocuous tweet from From Software about Elden Ring, one of the most anticipated role-playing games in development, to set fans off.

It's fair to say there hasn't been much news on Elden Ring, From Software's collaboration with A Song of Ice and Fire author George R. R. Martin, since it was announced at E3 2019 with the trailer, below.

Watch on YouTube

Since then, From Software fans have hoped for new information at every possible juncture, but alas, nothing.

Could Elden Ring be dead? Not today, anyway. That's because From Software replied to one of its own tweets about an update to Sekiro to acknowledge Elden Ring fans and their plight.

"We also greatly appreciate all the enthusiasm and support shown for Elden Ring, our next dark fantasy action RPG. We hope you look forward to it."

That tweet set off a chain reaction that has seen information-starved Elden Ring fans unite in joy. The Elden Ring subreddit, known for being a pretty wild place, has exploded. Here's a snippet:

So... It is real... from r/Eldenring
Huh? from r/Eldenring
Coded message in From's Twitter feed? Is this a sign? from r/Eldenring

And here are some fun replies to the tweet:

It's a good time for a reminder about what Elden Ring is all about. It's described as From's "biggest title yet", with Hidetaka Miyazaki at the helm. Miyazaki has said that Elden Ring, which started development shortly after the completion of Dark Souls 3's DLC, is envisaged as a dark fantasy RPG "full of things that we weren't able to do in the Dark Souls series".

Its themes include "eccentricity" and "the will, or ambition of mankind", and Miyazaki's role has been to direct "the various game design, art and musical aspects of the title".

Unlike Sekiro, which Miyazaki considers to have a "heavy focus on action", Elden Ring will focus more on RPG elements. Third-person melee combat will return, however, alongside a wider variety of "weapons, magic, and ways to engage enemies, that make it possible to provide users with a style of gameplay and strategy that suits them" - which is good news for Dark Souls fans that missed the character customisation in From's samurai game.

In fact, Miyazaki promises "even more variety in the ways for players to overcome challenges and tweak their tactics when facing enemies", with Elden Ring continuing From Software's love of tough but "very satisfying" experiences.

Of course, we know nothing more about Elden Ring today than we did yesterday, but this one tweet has rejuvenated fans. Perhaps it'll keep them going for another year of radio silence?

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