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IMPORTANT: Gran Turismo creator Kaz Yamauchi becomes a street

Paves the way...

Gran Turismo creator Kazunori Yamauchi has become a street.

He will be trampled in Spain's old city of Ronda, nestled between Ernest Hemmingway and Orson Welles, also streets.

The Paseo de Kazunori, to give it its proper name, is a walkway near the famed Puente Nuevo bridge.

"I feel so grateful to the city of Ronda for this honour," said Yamauchi, who is pictured holding his hands over his face before sinking to his knees holding some kind of toy.

Kazunori Yamauchi is of course still a human as well and was visiting Spain to launch his new car game Gran Turismo 6. It's out on PS3 this Friday.

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