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Hunting down fresh details on The Witcher 3

Ian chats to CD Projekt about the hot next-gen RPG.

"They're rock stars and they know it. They don't come to us. We go to them," I wrote about CD Projekt after seeing their stunning press demo of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt at E3 earlier this year. The Polish developer is justifiably confident in its massive, open-world RPG for PC and next-gen consoles - so much so, in fact, that it took the exact same demo to Gamescom in Germany last month.

That was a bit of a disappointment, and we still can't show you the game in action beyond its trailer. All the same, Ian took the time to see the demo and was suitably wowed. Afterwards, he sat down (or, more likely, stood sweating in a cramped corner) with writer Jakub Szamalek for an interview, which you can watch below.

Although CD Projekt didn't bring anything new to Gamescom and are still being coy about showing the game to the public, they've actually revealed quite a lot about this hugely promising RPG, so there's plenty for Ian and Jakub to dig into. In particular, there's some tasty stuff here on the game's monster hunting aspect, which is what has me most excited about Wild Hunt. Enjoy!

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