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For Honor now gives players more Steel

Ubisoft promises weekly updates as community threatens boycott.

Ubisoft has increased the amount of Steel For Honor gives out to players.

One of the biggest complaints about the game is it's stingy when it came to dishing out the in-game currency to players.

The negative sentiment came to a head recently when Ubisoft released new high cost emotes.

As part of a patch issued yesterday, Steel income was increased across the board. Here's how things have changed:

  • All matches: Steel income are increased by 25 per cent
  • Daily Orders: Steel income are increased by 33 per cent
  • Side Orders: Steel income are increased by 50 per cent
  • Community Orders: Steel rewards are increased from 500-1000 to 2000 Steel

This change, which can raise your daily first two hours income by as much as 45 per cent, should go some way to helping hardcore players obtain enough Steel for those pricey new emotes, but it still doesn't address complaints about For Honor's controversial progression system, which many have likened to those found in free-to-play games.

Meanwhile, the update reintroduces the popular River Fort map, which was removed because of a high rate of de-syncs. High Fort will be reintroduced soon if everything goes well with River Fort.

And finally, the patch adds new Elite Outfits per hero.

You now get more Steel for playing, but the real world cost of the in-game currency remains the same.

Players have continued to criticise Ubisoft for a lack of communication as disconnections affect online play. The developers have now promised to give the community weekly updates, and admitted there's still work to do to improve the global stability of the game.

"As a producer, I assure you that our devoted team is going full force to address the situation, and we will continue to be here for the long term," Ubisoft's Stéphane Cardin said in a blog post.

"Our top priority right now is stabilising the game experience. Our top engineers have been working to address connectivity and matchmaking issues since launch."

Cardin added that Ubisoft is working on hero balance issues, which should help appease those upset at the Peacekeeper hero, which was recently banned by MLG for use in tournaments.

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The blog post comes after a For Honor community movement to boycott the game gathered speed this week. A post on the For Honor subreddit quickly gained support from the increasingly frustrated community.

In an update to this post following the release of the patch and the blog post from Ubisoft, redditor jbaayoun called the changes "a step in the right direction", adding an upcoming livestream will determine whether the boycott goes ahead.

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